Friday, January 22, 2010

Sultan Johor mangkat - Al Fatihah -

AL-FATIHAH-Sultan Johor Sultan Iskandar Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Ismail mangkat jam 7.08 malam Jumaat. Agenda Daily di maklum oleh Ketua Penenerangan UMNO Datuk Ahmad Maslan setelah beliau mendapat pengesahan daripada kenyataan Setiausaha Sulit Pemangku Sultan Tuanku Ibrahim. Terdahulu sebelah petang Al-Marhum Sultan Iskandar di masukkan ke hospital setelah gering. Ekoran itu Jemaah Sultan Johor telah melantik Tuanku Ibrahim sebagai Pemangku Sultan Johor.- 22/1/2010


  1. innalillahiwainnailahhirojiun

  2. He had a majestic life on Earth, now entering the 2nd phase; the eternal world. Catch you later Sultan, my time not yet. But everything that live must die some day. There is no remedy. One gone and now we have to face a much bigger scoundrel

  3. allah berkati johor..
    allah peliharakan sultan


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